TM 5-1940-277-34PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION AND REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS(Continued)LOCATIONITEMACTIONREMARKS2.Piston (11)a.Inspect wallsIf heavy scuffingfor Scoringabove pin on oneor Scuffing.side and belowpin on other sideis noted, inspectfor possible bentconnecting rod(4).b.Inspect insideand outside forcracks at pis-ton pin bosses(13), pistonbalance strut(14), pistoncrown and strutsbetween crownand pin bosses.c.Hone pistonUse grindingif lightlymachine andscored.crocus cloth.d.Replace pis-If replacing aton if anyheavily scoredcracks,piston, cylinderscoring, orliner also mustscuffingbe replaced.noted.e.ReplaceCylinder linerpiston ifmust also bepistonreplaced.seized.3-19
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