TM 5-2090-200-12&PCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSection I. General1-1.ScopeThis manual is for your use in operating and. maintaining the Boat Cradle which isused to transport the 27 foot bridgeerection boat and launch it from the Tactical floating Bridge Transport1-2.Maintenance Forms and Recordsa.Maintenance forms and records that. you are required to use are explained in TM 38-750.b.You are to use the record and report forms listed below for operator and organizational maintenance(1) DA Form 2400 (Equipment Utilization Record).(2) DA Form 2401 (Organizational Control Record for Equipment).(3) DA Form 2402 (Exchange Tag).(4) DD Form 314 (-Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record).(5) DA Form 2404 {Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).(6) DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request).(7)DA Form 2408 (Equipment Log Assembly).(8)DA Form 2408-1 (Equipment Daily or Monthly Log).(9)DA Form 2408-5 (Equiprnent Modification Report).(10) DA Form 2408-9 (Equipment Usage Report).(11) DA Form 2408-10 (Equipment Component Register).(12) DA Form 2408-14 (Uncorrected Fault Record Vehicle)1-3.Equipment Serviceability CriteriaThis equipment is not covered by an ESC.1-4.Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Usea.Authority. The cradle will be destroyed if it is in danger of being captured and used by the enemy, and upon theorder of the unit commander.b.methods. Remove the wheel assembly from the dolly and the roller assembly from the cradle and destroy.Destroy the dame parts on all cradles to prevent enemy use through cannibalization. If possible, destroy the entire unitby placing an explosive charge between the dolly and cradle. Be sure to obliterate all serial numbers, nameplates, andunit markings.1.5.Administrative Storagea.Preparation of Equipment.(1) Select the best available site for storage and separate stored equipment from equipment in use.Conspicuously mark the area “Administrative Storage”. Covered area is preferred.(2) Store equipment so as to provide maximum protection from the elements.(3) Prior to storage, perform the next scheduled major preventive maintenance service. Inspect and approveequipment prior to storage.b.Care of Equipment.(1) Perform regularly scheduled inspection of equipment.(2) Keep equipment in an optimum state of readiness.(3) Rotate items in accordance with a rotational plan that will keep the equipment in an operational condition.c.Removal of Equipment From Administrative Storage.(1) Restore equipment to normal operating condition in accordance with pertinent technical manuals.(2) Resume the maintenance service schedule in effect at the commencement of storage.d.For further instructions, refer to TM 740-90-1.Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA1-6.DescriptionThe Boat Cradle (fig. 1-1) is used to support the assembled 27-foot Bridge Erection Boats. The Cradle is used totransport the boat on and launch it from the Tactical Floating Bridge Transporter (TM 5-5420-209-12).1-1
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