(9}Pull the elevation control lever to retract the broom. Operate the winch as needed position the guide andlocking bracket of the boat cradle so that it engages the center slot of the boom. Pay out the cable until the front cradlestop pins rest on the rear support roller stop brackets, then retract the boom to about a 15-degree angle with the ground.(10)Rewind the winch to pull the boat cradle onto the transporter. Continue to rewind the winch cable andlower the boom until the boat cradle is stopped by seating of the rear cradle stop pins against the stop brackets, or untilguide brackets contact the boom sheave. Operate the control lever to engage the forward locking pin.(11)Secure the boat and cradle to the transporter by attaching the tie down cable (fig. 2-1) to the bracket onthe front transporter chassis. Tighten the cable by turning the turnbuckle.(12)Return the hand throttle to idle position, depress the clutch pedal, lift the control lever to disengage thepower take off, select the proper range for the transfer case, disengage the hydraulic brake lock and drive the transporterto the desired location.CAUTIONBe careful not to allow the bow of the boat to contact the ground while being pulled onto thetransporter.b Loading the Boat Cradle. The transporter boom can also be used to load the empty boat cradle onto thetransporter. The procedures are the same as for the boat and boat cradle (paraa), except the part that describes theprocedure for securing the boat to the boat cradle.2-3. Launching the Boata.Select or prepare a launch site having stable soil, a uniform bank and streambed slope of 20 percent orless. The site will also have a water depth of 60 inches or more at and beyond the launch point, and a stream velocity ofnot more than 10 feet per second.b.Make the following preliminary preparations at a suitable location near the launch site.(1) Remove all tie-down cable assemblies from the cleats.(2) Tie the boat to the dolly, using two ropes on the dolly and two of the cleats from which the tie-downhooks were removed. Make certain that the latch hook is latched.(3) Remove the two tie-down cable assemblies from beneath the stern of the boat.(4) Check and service the boat.c.Drive the transporter to the launch site and back it into position near the later (fig. 2-6). Have the boatoperator assume his position in the boat.d.Back the transporter into the water until the running board clears the water by about 6 inches (15.25 cm).Do not submerge the boom winch.e.Apply the transporter service brakes, depress the clutch pedal, place the transmission shift lever in neutralposition, lock the parking brakes, depress the control lever- to engage the power takeoff off and release the clutch pedal.Set the hand throttle so that the transporter engine operates at 1,700 RPM.f. Remove quick release pin from locking pin and engage the hydraulic control lever disengage the hydrauliccontrol lever to disengage the forward locking pin. Raise the boom about 10 degrees.g.Push the hydraulic winch control lever to pay out the boom cable and allow the boat cradle to slide into thewater. The bow of the boat will enter the water when the end of the boat cradle is submerged, as shown in figure 2-7.The boat cradle will begin to tilt when the center of gravity passes the inboard rollers on the rear support. Continue topay out the boom cable and adjust the boom elevation until the cradle guide stanchions are submerged to the white ringsand the end of the boat cradle is resting on the stream bed.CAUTIONDo not pay out the boom cable after the front cradle stop pins engage the stop brackets on the rearsupport inboard rollers. The water is not deep enough or the transporter has not been backed far enoughif this occurs before the cradle guide stanchions are submerged to the white rings.h.Have boat operator pull the push-pull cable to release the latch hook while the boom cable has tension onit and pay out more boom cable, so that the dolly travels down into the water until it stops, as showrn in figure 2-7.i. Signal the boat operator to cast off, at which time he will-(1) Untie the ropes from the cleats on the stern section and insert rope ends into the tops of boat guidestanchions (fig. 2-8).(2) Start and operate the boat.Change 2 2-9
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