TM 5-5420-203-14
g. Transport of the AVLB system (Class 60/Class 70 Bridges) for Air, Rail, Sea and Highway
Mode of Transportation - CONT
(a) Air. Normally the AVLB system (Class 60 or Class 70 bridges) will be loaded aboard C-5
aircraft for shipment. The launcher and bridge components are loaded into the aircraft separately (due to
height restrictions); the bridge (folded) is placed on a dolly and rolled into the aircraft. The folded bridge
will have eight lift points along its outboard sides (four positioned around the upper half of the bridge and
four on the lower half), so that the bridge can easily be lifted no matter which bridge half rest on the
bottom. Looking at a folded bridge these lift points are located at the same place where the two end
tiedowns had been located on each bridge half (both outboard sides). It is important to always use the
lower set of four lift points, so that the top half of the bridge will always rest on the lower half Always
attach to the lower half of the folded bridge. Lifting of the entire folded bridge will be accomplished by
using a standard four-legged, equal- length sling or that which is normally used at the loading dock.
The increase in weight or width of the Class 70 bridge over the Class 60 bridge is not a
factor Until the Class 60 bridge is outfitted with proper side lifting points, as is the Class 70
bridge, it will be handled as done in the past, but the tiedowns are not to be used to lift
from. TIEDOWNS ARE NOT LIFT POINTS. As a reminder, the only lifting points
currently designed for the AVLB bridge are located in the aluminum deck plates of both the
center and end (ramp) panels, but these were only to lift individual panels NOT the whole
bridge, and NOT a combined center-to-end panel or section as in the case of the Class 70
bridge. The current Class 60 bridge has only tiedowns along the outboard and inboard sides
of each panel are only tiedowns along the outboard and inboard sides of each individual panel,
and these tiedowns should NOT be used for lifting purposes.
(b) Rail. For rail transport of the AVLB system;
The class 60 bridge will be disassembled into its eight individual panels and components parts,
such as hydraulic components and the cross-bracing and tie-rods that hold the treadways
together and shipped in a gondola car to its final destination.
The class 70 bridge will be disassembled into its four individual quarter-sections, hydraulic
components and intertreadway connecting bracing and shipped on a flat car to its final
Change 2 2-113