Table 1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for Interior Bay (Contd).ITEM TONOT FULLYITEMCHECK/MISSIONNO.INTERVALSERVICEPROCEDURECAPABLE IF:TM 5-5420-278-100016 000016 00-610BeforeCable guide (1)Check for structural damage, missingguide.Damage preventsusing guide.111BeforeLower lock-driveassembly (2)a. Damage preventsproper pinoperation.22a. Check jackscrew, trunnion caps,and pin for structural damage.b. Lubricate as necessary.NOTETo prevent seizure anddistortion, ensure lower lock-drive jackscrew is backed-offone full rotation after lowerlock-drive pin is fully retracted.12BeforeRight innerponton end skinsurface (3)Check for structural damage.Damage allowswater to enterponton. Any visiblehole will deadlinebay.3
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