TM 5-5420-278-10
0035 00
0035 00-3
b. Short-Term Anchorage (Contd)
Do not use bridge rafting bracket mounting holes and
quick-release pin for anchoring bridge. Use only the
load receiving pins with one anchoring cable at each
pin. Failure to comply may result in damage to
equipment or possible injury or death to personnel.
The approach guys should be a minimum of 1/2-in.
(12.7-mm) diameter Improved Plough Steel (IPS) cable
and must be connected to the ramp bays load-receiving
pins only.
(3) If transporters are not available for temporary end span anchorage, connect
one approach guy to the first load receiving pin on each side of the ramp bay
at both ends of the bridge. Secure the opposite end of each approach guy to a
hold-fast post at approximately a 45-degree angle to the bridge centerline.
(Refer to figure 3.) The hold-fast posts should be located above high-water
level to prevent washout.
Figure 3. Typical Short-Term Anchoring.
c. Long-Term Anchorage
Do not use bridge rafting bracket mounting holes and
quick-release pin for anchoring bridge. Use only the
load receiving pins with one anchoring cable at each
pin. Failure to comply may result in damage to
equipment or possible injury or death to personnel.