The following is a list of abbreviations/acronyms and their definitions appearing
in this manual. Other terms found in this manual are defined in the paragraph in
which they first appear. Refer to MIL-STD-12 for a complete list of standard
military abbreviations.
BAP Bridge Adapter Pallet
BEB Bridge Erection Boat
BII Basic Issue Items
CAGEC Commercial and Government Entity Code
CBT Common Bridge Transporter
cm centimeter
DS Direct Support
EIC End Item Code
EIR Equipment Improvement Recommendation
FCG Functional Group Code
ft foot
feet/sec feet per second
GDSBS General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas
GS General Support
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
IBC Improved Boat Cradle
IFB Improved Float Bridge
in. inch
IRB Improved Ribbon Bridge
IRB-I Improved Ribbon Bridge Interior Bay
IRB-R Improved Ribbon Bridge Ramp Bay
ISP Improved Plough Steel
kg kilogram
lb pound
LHS Load Handling System
MAC Maintenance Allocation Chart
MLC Military Load Class
NSN National Stock Number
OIC Officer In Charge
PLS Palletized Load System
PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
POC Point of Contact
RMC Remote Control Unit
RPSTL Repair Parts and Special Tools List
SMR Sources, Maintenance, and Recoverability
TM Technical Manual
TMDE Test, Measuring, and Diagnostic Equipment
WARCO Warranty Coordinator
TM 5-5420-278-10