the tightness of the damper to side skin connection. Tighten damper to side
skin connection and re-check measurement. Report over size fault to
Replace ramp module.
48. Add ramp skids to front face of ramp.
Check the ramp skids for dirt build up. Clean as required.
Check the pins on front face of ramp for deformation. Replace as required
see Chapter 10 procedure 10.14.
Check R clip for deformation. Replace deformed R clip with new item.
49. Add approach ramps to far bank ramp.
Approach ramps fitted to transport frame do not lift evenly.
Check all slings are attached and are not twisted.
Check that the module lifting beam is correctly orientated and secured in the
widest position and shootbolted.
Check for an excessive build up of mud in the toe end of the approach
ramps. Clean if required.
Check that the ramps are correctly seated within the transport frame and are
secure with the frame.
Approach ramp frames do not sit on ramp module.
Check for deformation of lugs on lower edge of ramp frame. Report
deformation to maintenance.
Ensure slings on adjacent frame are stowed and do not impede lowering of
second frame.
Check the space between the deck units is clear and that the approach ramp
frames align correctly.
50. Lower end beam guide arms and push far bank ramp with crane.
Ensure that the end beam guides are correctly orientated. Remove ramp
and end beam. Rotate end beam guides to inboard position. Arms fold
Ensure that the ramp is not pushed against the end beam guide arms. Move
ramp with crane using push/pull sling.
Ensure end beam guide arms are free to rotate. Report any defects to
51. Attach far bank ramp to far bank carriage.
Carriage shootbolt will not retract.
Check R clip is removed.
Check for seizure/deformation of the pin. Report any seizure/deformation to
Sling will not route through lifting point.
Check that slings are being connected to end beam lift points, and not ramp
lift points.
Clear lifting pocket of any dirt.
Check lifting pin and bracket for security of attachment. Report any defect to
52. Detach crane push sling.
Check for any deformation of crane hook safety catch. Report any
deformation to maintenance.