Column (3) Maintenance Function. This column lists the functions (explained in
paragraph 2) that can be performed on the items listed in Column (2).
Column (4) Maintenance Level. Column (4) specifies each level of maintenance,
authorized by the listing in Column (3), and indicates, in the appropriate sub-column, the
man-hours required to perform the task. The man-hours shown represents the average
time required to restore an item to a serviceable condition, under typical field operating
conditions and includes preparation time, fault location time and quality assurance time.
The symbols for the various maintenance levels, shown at the top of the Column (4) sub-
columns, are as follows:
C Operator or Crew maintenance
O Unit Maintenance
Direct Support Maintenance
H General Support Maintenance / SRA
D Depot Maintenance / SRA
Column (5) Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code. Column (5) specifies, by code,
common tool sets (not individual tools), special tools, common and special TDME and
special support equipment, required to support the maintenance functions. The code
numbers refer to the list of tools and test equipment in Table B 2.
Column (6) Remarks. Where applicable, this column contains a code letter, defined in
Table B 3, which refers to a
maintenance note or