TM 5-5420-280-10
0012 00
2. Site Requirements -- Site selection is a critical step in performing a
crossing, and the requirements are generally based on equipment limitations.
Crossing sites are generally characterized as assault, or bridging, with each
having its own set of requirements.
a. An assault site is selected for the following characteristics:
(1) Enemy forces are weak, the terrain on the friendly shore provides
concealment from enemy observation, and there is room for the assault
to be supported by overmatching fire.
(2) Adequate crossing routes exist to and from the gap at its narrowest
(3) Firm banks permit rapid crossing at multiple points along the gap.
b. All bridge sites require the following characteristics:
(1) The site should be located where there are established road networks on
both sides of the gap.
(2) The site should be located at a narrow point along the gap, free of
obstructions that would impede operations.
(3) The site should have firm banks on both sides.
(4) Near and far shores must have a reasonably flat and even surface and
be a minimum of 11 ft (3.4 m) wide and 40 in. (1 m) long.
(5) The site should have a slope between near and far shores no greater
than 4 ft 3 in. (1.3 m) (10%) multiplied by length of span.
(6) The side slope difference between near and far shores is not greater
than 1 in 20 (5%).
(7) The area to be bridged between far and near shores must be clear of
obstructions to a depth of 9 in. (23 cm).
3. Site Layout Requirements -- Bridge assembly sites require two way access
roads to areas for parking, preparation of equipment, and routing of personnel
and vehicle traffic. Site conditions will determine the location of bridging sites
and the location of access roads to them. Single or multi-launch sites are
established depending on how quickly the advancing forces are directed to
make a crossing. When establishing a site layout, refer to figures 1 and 2 for
examples. Refer to FM 5-34, Engineer Field Manual, for additional information
on site requirements and layouts.
0012 00-2