TM 55-1945-205-10-20105 00 10105 00OPERATOR MAINTENANCEROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF DISCHARGE FACILITYRIGID HULL INFLATABLE BOAT (RHIB)TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESINITIAL SETUP:Personnel RequiredSeaman 88KTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDUREENGINE WILL NOT STARTSYMPTOMEngine will not start.MALFUNCTIONStarting procedures are not being followed properly.CORRECTIVE ACTIONPerform starting procedure and restart engine. (WP 0035 00)MALFUNCTIONFuel tank is empty.CORRECTIVE ACTIONRefuel tank. (WP 0114 00)Perform operational check of RHIB. (WP 0035 00)MALFUNCTIONFuel hose is disconnected.CORRECTIVE ACTIONConnect hose to the engine fuel connector. (WP 0035 00)Perform operational check of RHIB. (WP 0035 00)MALFUNCTIONFuel hose is kinked.CORRECTIVE ACTIONRemove the kinks from the fuel hose. (WP 0035 00)Perform operational check of RHIB. (WP 0035 00)
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