TM 55-1945-205-10-20118 00 10118 00OPERATOR MAINTENANCEROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF DISCHARGE FACILITYCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) LISTINTRODUCTIONScopeThis work package lists COEI for the Roll-On/Roll-Off Discharge Facility to help you inventory items for safe andefficient operation of the equipment.GeneralThis list is for information purposes only and is not authority to requisition replacements. These items are part of theRoll-On/Roll-Off Discharge Facility. As part of the end item, these items must be with the end item whenever it isissued or transferred between property accounts. Items of COEI are removed and separately packaged fortransportation or shipment only when necessary. Illustrations are furnished to help you find and identify the items.Explanation of Columns in the COEI ListColumn (1) - Illus Number. Gives you the number of the item illustrated.Column (2) - National Stock Number (NSN). Identifies the stock number of the item to be used for requisitioningpurposes.Column (3) - Description, CAGEC, and Part Number. Identifies the Federal item name followed by a minimumdescription when needed. The stowage location of COEI is also included in this column. The last line below thedescription is the CAGEC (commercial and government entity code) (in parentheses) and the part number.Column (4) - Usable on Code. When applicable, gives you a code if the item you need is not the same for differentmodels of equipment.Column (5) - Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the physical measurement or count of the item as issued per theNational Stock Number shown in column (2).Column (6) - Qty Rqd. Indicates the quantity required.
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business