TM 55-1945-205-24-2
0292 00 3/4 blank
0292 00
14. Keeping the boat on line travel in a northerly direction.
15. Using the port/starboard screw (1), adjust the compass until the compass reads north.
16. Locate two identifiable marks, buoys or other fixed objects on the navigation chart, that are within ten degrees of
the east/west line.
17. Plot a course between the two points located in the previous step, on the chart.
18. Position the boat down range of the fixed objects selected.
19. Visually position the boat in line with the two fixed objects.
Keep the boat as true as possible on the line created between the fixed points
20. Keeping the boat on line, travel in an easterly direction.
21. If adjustment is necessary, use the forward/aft screw (2), adjust the compass.
22. Keeping the boat on the line, travel in a westerly direction.
23. If adjustment is necessary, use the forward/aft screws.