TM 55-1945-205-24-40251 00 620251 00MIncludes drive shaft flex coupling.NIncludes rings, connecting rod and connecting rod bearings.OIncludes gear train, camshaft, idler gear, idler gear bearing, crankshaft timing gear, blower drive gear, and front and rear accessory drive gears.PIncludes fuel water separator, fuel lines, fuel filter/strainer, fuel cooler, fuel manifold, fuel injector, fuel injector tube and valves.QIncludes air shutdown housing and air box check valves.RIncludes intercooler and after cooler.SIncludes lube oil pump driving gear, lube oil pressure regulator, lube oil relief valves, lube oil filter by-pass valve, lube oil cooler by-pass valve, lube oil pan and lube oil ventilation system.TIncludes fresh water manifold and thermostat.UIncludes raw water duplex strainer.VIncludes starting batteries.WRebuild of the marine gear is a depot level function.XIncludes oil filter screen, pressure gage, temperature gage, selector valve, oil pump drive, output seal and gear mounts.YRebuild of the transfer case is a depot level function.ZSee MAC Chart for Modular Warping Tug Diesel Engine Group Number 0301010101.AASee MAC Chart for Modular Warping Tug Marine Gear Group Number 0301010102.ABSee MAC Chart for Modular Warping Tug Transfer Case Group Number 0301010103.ACRefer to Army Technical Manual TM 55-3950-204-14 & P.ADRefer to Army Technical Manual TM 5-2815-258-24.AERefer to Army Technical Manual TM 55-1925-257-14&P.Table 2. Remarks for Modular Causeway System. (MCS) (Continued)REMARKS CODEREMARKS
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