TB 5-5420-279-14
the initial notification. If for any reason they need
(1) Misuse or neglect
to inspect the machine after the repair, they may
inspect the vehicle up to 30 days after completion
(2) Accidents
of repairs.
5. Government Responsibilities.
(3) Improper operation
(4) Improper storage
The Major Subordinate Command for the Dry
Support Bridge (DSB) is the U.S. Army Tank-
automotive and Armament Command (TACOM),
(5) Improper transport
Warren, MI 48397-5000. TACOM is responsible for
managing and implementing the warranty.
(6) Improper or insufficient maintenance
Warranty claims shall be reported to the
TACOM DSB Program Manager:
(7) Improper alterations or repairs
(8) Defect/failure discovered or occurring
US Army Tank-automotive and
after warranty expiration date
Armaments Command
(9) GFE Chassis and any other components.
Warren, MI 48397-5000
(10) Fair wear and tear items.
Telephone: DSN 786-3951
Commercial: (586) 574-3951
(11) Use of spare parts not authorized by
a. TACOM DSB Program Manager will:
(12) Consumable parts unless it can be
(1) Verify, review and process warranty
established that such part were defective at the
claim actions.
time of delivery to the original owner.
(2) Reject claims that are not valid and send
d. Under all circumstances the liability of
them back to the local Project Manager with a short
WFEL for any damages shall be limited to the
explanation of why the claim is rejected.
(3) Request additional data for incomplete
purchase price of the product.
(4) Provide warranty claim information to the
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
local WARCO as appropriate.
(5) Insure that the contractor performs in
a. When the contractor receives written
accordance with the terms of the contract.
notification requiring repair, they will have the
b. Equipment owning unit will:
(1) To correct the failures/defects in the field,
(1) Identify defects/failures and verify that
(2) Have the DSB or parts returned to the
the defects/failures are warrantable.
contractor's designated facility or authorized
(2) Submit warranty claims, using DA Form
distributor/dealer for correction.
2407, DA Form 2407-1, (Maintenance Request
b. When the contractor corrects the warranted
Claims and Continuation Sheets) through channels
defect, parts and labor involved shall be paid by
to the supporting repair facility. See Appendix A
the contractor. The contractor will arrange and pay
for form examples.
all transportation costs of the supplies to its facility
(3) Tag and retain (IAW DA PAM 738-750,
and return to user.
The Army Maintenance Management System
(TAMMS), and this TB parts and pieces of parts
c. WFEL will provide replacement parts for
and/or assemblies removed at the owning unit level
warranty issues wherever possible within 5
as a result of a warrantable defect/failure and/or
workdays after receipt of written claim notification.
d. The contractor has the right to inspect any
(4) During the DSB warranty period, the
defective machine/part before and after repair. If
Government is responsible for the cost of routine
the contractor wishes to inspect the machine/part
mechanical adjustments and consumable parts
prior to the repair, they can do so within 5 days of