ing, grinding, riveting, straighten.
6. General
ing, adjusting, etc.
a. The maintenance allocation chart assigns
( f ) Aline. To adjust two or more com-
maintenance functions and repair operations to
ponents of an electrical system so
be performed by the lowest appropriate mainte-
that their functions are properly
nance echelon. It also specifies the tools and
other equipment authorized at each echelon to
perform the assigned maintenance functions.
( g ) Calibrate. To determine, check, or
rectify the graduation of an instru-
b. Columns in the Maintenance Allocation
ment, weapon, or weapons system,
chart are defined as follows:
or components of a weapons system.
(1) Part or component. Only the nomen-
(h) Rebuild. To restore to a condition
clature or standard item name is an-
comparable to new by disassem-
notated in this column. Additional
bling the item to determine the con-
descriptive data is included only
dition of its component parts and
where clarification is necessary to
reassembling it using serviceable,
identify the part. Components and
rebuilt, or new assemblies, subas-
parts comprising a major end item
semblies, and parts.
are listed alphabetically. Assemblies
and subassemblies are in alphabetical
(3) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th echelon. The
sequence with their components listed
symbol X indicates the echelon re-
alphabetically immediately below the
sponsible for performing that particu-
assembly listing.
lar maintenance operation, but does
not necessarily indicate that repair
(2) Maintenance function. This column
parts will be stocked at that level.
indicates the various maintenance
Echelons higher than the echelon
functions allocated to the echelon cap-
marked by X are authorized to per-
able of performing the operation.
form the indicated operation.
These are defined as follows:
(4) Tools required. The numbers in col-
(a) Service. To clean, to preserve, and
umn 8 indicate the tool, test, and
maintenance equipment required to
(b) Inspect. To verify serviceability
perform the maintenance functions.
and to detect incipient electrical or
These numbers are identified in the
mechanical failure by scrutiny.
Allocation of Tools for Maintenance
( c ) Test. To verify serviceability and
Functions portion.
to detect incipient electrical or me-
(5) Remarks. This column contains any
chanical failure by use of special
notations necessary to clarify the data
equipment s u c h as gages and
cited in the preceding columns.
c. Columns in the Allocation of Tools for
(d) Replace. To substitute serviceable
Maintenance Functions portion are defined as
assemblies, subassemblies, a n d
follows :
parts for unserviceable components.
( 1 ) Tools required for maintenance func-
( e ) Repair. To restore to a serviceable
tions. Column 1 lists tool and test
condition by replacing unservice-
equipment required to perform the
able parts or by any other action re-
maintenance functions.
quired utilizing tools equipment,
( 2 ) 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th echelon. A dag-
and skills available, to include weld-