TM 5-1940-277-34MAST WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS - LOWER(Continued)LOCATIONITEMACTIONREMARKSn.Wiring har-a.Feed wiresRequires threeness (12)into mastpersons.attach toframe atplug (13)point D.b.Pull cordsattached towires atpoints A andB at same timeuntil wire pairsare in position.c.Remove cord whenwires in position.o.Wiring har-a.Pull on cord atness (12) -point A and atblue and blacksame time feedwire pairs atwire pair intopoint Cmast frame atpoint C untilwire is in posi-tion.b.Pull on cord atpoint A and atsame time feedsecond wire pairin mast frame atpoint C untilwires are inposition.c.Remove cordswhen wire pairsin position.2-129
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