TM 5-1940-277-341-7.LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSa.RemovableCab(1).An aluminum frame with windows and aluminum roof that can be attached to the boat toprovideprotection for the crew during bad weather. The cab is provided with windshield wipers and a place for attachingsearchlight.b.ControlConsole(2).Contains all the controls and indicators required for operation of the boat. In addition, itcontains a hand-operated bilge pump, a storage compartment for technical manuals, and a storage compartment forlife preservers and other gear.c.Batteries(3).Provide electrical power for the operation of the boat.d.RemovableMast(4).Contains the navigation lights, towing lights, and anchor lights. May be lowered to rest oncapstan or removed from the boat when lights are not required.e.Hydrojets(5).Consist of diesel engine driven hydrojet propulsion units with directional nozzles and scoops. Thepropulsion units propel the boat and steer it.f.Capstan(6).A two-speed hand-operated winching device used for towing, winching, and other work tasks.Change 2 1-3
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