TM 5-1940-277-34g.DavitTube(7)(MK1only).Allows the attachment of a davit (small crane) to the boat for use in diving operations.Not used in U.S. Army operations.h.BeachingLegs(8).Support the boat in an upright position when on a hard surface and not in cradle. Thebeaching legs are retractable.i.Engines(9).Provide power for driving hydrojet units.j.FuelTank(10).Provides fuel storage capacity for operation of boat.k.Pushknees(11).Provides the front of the boat with a flat vertical surface for pushing barges or maneuveringbridge components. The pushknees can be removed.l.KeelCoolers(12)(MK2only).Provide cooling for the engine, transmission, oil, and turbocharged air. Located onthe bottom of the boat.m.TowHook(13).Provides boat with towing capability. Has quick-release mechanism to allow operator toimmediately detach boat from object in tow in case of emergency.Change 3 1-4
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