TM 5-1940-277-34ALTERNATOR REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS(Continued)LOCATIONITEMACTIONREMARKSf.Remove nut (22)from shaft.g.Separate rotor(19) and endshield (18).2.Stator (20) andStator (20) a.Remove fromslip ring endand slipvise.shield (26)ring endshield (26)b.Place onTake care whenbench, endlifting thatshield up.weight of statoris not taken bythree statorleads.c.Unsolder 3Use solderingstator leadsiron.(27) from heatsink terminaltags.CAUTIONDo not remove tags from heat sinks.d.Separate endshield (26)and stator(20).3.Slip ring endBearing housingRemove andTake care not toshield (26)(28)discard O-ring.damage O-ringgroove.2-63
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