TM 5-5420-202-20-1
P r e v e n t i v e M a i n t e n a n c e C h e c k s and Services for M60A1 AVLB Hull -
Loosen any fitting between delay
valve and check valve. If trapped gas
escapes, replace all three check
valves and repeat step 7.
If no gas escapes, tighten fitting.
Loosen any fitting between the CO2
cylinder and delay valve. If gas es-
capes, replace discharge delay bottle
assembly (page 20-56). Remove No. 1
CO2 cylinder (page 20-52). Tag cylin-
der and send to support maintenance
for recharging. Reset control handle
and reset control valve. Replace No.
1 CO2 cylinder (page 20-52). Repeat
steps 7 through 11.
test cable. Remove accessory test ca-
ble from engine accessory control
Reset control handle, reset control
valve and replace No. 1 CO2 cylin-
Change 4