TM 5-5420-202-20-4
Safety Wiring Procedures (Sheet 1 of 2)
The double-twist method of safety wiring is used as the
c o m m o n method of safety wiring. Use the double-twist method
f o r screws m closed geometric patterns which secure hydraulic
o r air seals, hold hydraulic pressure, or are used m critical
a r e a s of clutch mechanisms.
W h e n safety wiring widely spaced multiple groups (fastenings
f r o m 4 to 60 inches apart) by the double-twist method, three
u n i t s are the maximum number that may be wired in series.
W h e n safety wiring multiple groups, the maximum number of
u n i t s that may be safety wired is limited to the number that
can be wired with a 24 inch length of wire.
T h e single-wire method is used in a closely spaced (maximum of
2 inches between centers), closed geometric pattern (triangle,
s q u a r e , rectangle, circle, etc.) on parts m electrical systems
a n d in similar places that would make the single-wire method
m o r e feasible. Use the single wire method for shear and seal
w i r i n g applications.
U s e copper wire only for securing emergency devices and install
so that it can be easily broken when required.
G O on to Sheet 2