TM 5-5420-203-14
c. Loading/Unloading of the Scissored Bridge to/from a Flatbed Semitrailer
(MS71 or MS72 ) - CONT
(a) Select a level area with a bank that has enough room to negotiate a tractor-trailer from the
roadway and the launcher with bridge on top of the bank, behind the tractor-trailer.
(b) Construct a dugout area at the base of the bank for the trailer's rear set of rear duals.
(c) Build up the bank to a height of at least four to five feet above the bottom of the dugout area.
The build up should extend back behind the face of the bank for at least twenty feet.
(4) Back the trailer so that the rear set of duals are in the dugout and the back of trailer is up
against the bank.
(e) Ensure that the trailer has the proper size tires and that the tire pressure is correct before
loading the bridge.
(f) Chock block the rear duals.
(g) With trailer positioned at bank, build the top of the bank a foot or two above the trailer bed
and extend it back at least twenty feet to include the fourth road wheel of the launcher when it
is in position behind the trailer. See sketch at top of page 2-91.
(h) Drive the launcher up on top of the bank and center it on the trailer.
The bed of the trailer and lower length of track of the launcher should be close to parallel
and at approximately the same level. The pad (foot) under the weight of the raised bridge
should pack the soil on top of the bank down so that it is approximately the same level as
the bed of the trailer.
Place a marking stake on top of the bank 6 feet from the end of the trailer. Locate the stake off
to one side so it won't be accidentally knocked down by the launcher.
(j) Position launcher so that the launcher's pad (foot) comes down on top of the bank so that its
leading edge is at the 6 foot marker.
(k) Proceed to launch the folded bridge onto the trailer, ensuring that the centerline of the bridge
is over the centerline of the trailer.
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