TM 5-5420-203-14
c. Loading/Unloading of the Scissored Bridge to/from a Flatbed Semitrailer
(M871 or M872 ) - CONT
Lower the folded bridge in place onto the trailer so that it is positioned laying flat on the bed.
No timber is required for the final disposition of the loaded bridge on the flatbed trailer,
as is the case for the lowbed trailer. Initially, a couple of wooden blocks, 8 x 8 in. x 3-4 ft.
may be required to temporarily lay the bridge on the trailer while the launcher is raised
up on the bank so that the folded bridge can be laid flat on the trailer's bed.
(m) Place the folded mid-span of the bridge (leading edge of the quadrant) approximately 2-3 feet
from the front (headboard) of the trailer. See sketch below.
With the quadrant located correctly on the trailer, the ramp ends of the bridge should not
overhang the rear of the trailer. Further, the folded bridge should be positioned so that the
center of gravity lies midway between the rear duals of the tractor and the forward set of
rear duals of the trailer. There should be an even overhang of the bridge with respect to the
sides of the trailer approximately 2-1/2 feet (on each side).
Change 2 2-91