4-55. Hydraulic System Lines and Fittings. - Continued
(3) If hydraulic Iine or fitting must be replaced, observe the following:
(a) Locate the damaged line or fitting.
When disconnecting any hydraulic line, open line slowly and protect face, as hydraulic oil may spray out
due to residual pressure in system.
When removing hoses, have a suitable container to drain oil from hoses. Also cap all hoses and ports
immediately to prevent dirt or foreign matter from entering the system.
(b) Trace line to nearest fitting and loosen connection.
(c) Trace line to back to other end and loosen connection.
(d) Remove all clamps securing damaged line to transporter and remove line.
(e) Apply antiseize tape to all pipe threads and install and tighten fittings.
(f) Install all clamps that were removed.
(g) Service hydraulic reservoir (para. 4-50).
TM 5-5420-209-12