TM 5-5420-209-34
2-15. Interior Bay Roadway Pontons. - Continued
Maximum diameter throughout each bore is 2.921 inches (7.41934 cm).
Inspect diameter of bores through roadway-to-roadway hinges (5) and replace ponton if bores
are out of tolerances.
Maximum diameter of bore is 2.702 inches (6.86308 cm).
Inspect diameter of ponton yoke bore (6), and replace ponton if bore is out of tolerance.
Maximum diameter of bore is 2.765 inches (7.0231 cm).
Inspect diameter of ponton eye bore(7) for wear or elongation, and replace ponton if bore is out
of tolerance.
Maximum diameter through each bore is 1.041 inches (2.6414 cm).
Inspect diameter of roadway ponton to bow ponton hinge plate bore (8) and replace ponton if
bore is out of tolerance.
Remove ponton leak detector.
After repair of surface damage, clean, treat and paint the repaired areas in accordance with
MIL-T-704, Type B.
Mask cavities and bores and threaded surface areas in roadway ponton and apply nonslip deck
covering to top surface of roadway ponton deck.
Any damage that requires replacing a section of roadvay ponton, refer to next higher level of
Install screw (2) that secures chain (3) to roadway ponton (4).
Install plug (1) in roadway ponton.