ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
(17) Place the jack on packing so the longside of the jack base is parallel to the bankseat beam.
(18) Lower the jack on packing so the longside of the jack base is parallel to the bankseat beam.
(19) Stack packing under the bridge until the packing is within 3 in (7.5cm) of the bottom of the bridge.
Placing can be all timber or timber and deck units. If a minimum bearing 1.3ft (0.4m) is being used,
place packing under bankseat beam until roller beam is removed, then place under girders. Otherwise,
place packing directly under girders.
(20) Operate jacks to raise the bridge from the roller beam. Continue to raise bridge until more packing can
be inserted between the stack and girder.
(21) Operate jacks to lower bridge onto packing. Stop lowering when the jack is free of the jack hood. DO
NOT lower jack all the way.