TM 5-5420-278-10
0008 00
0008 00-6
FREE-FLOW VALVE TOOL This tool is located in control valve cabinet
and is used to manually lock the free-flow valve in the closed position prior to
manual operation of the directional control valves.
SOLENOID TOOL This tool is located in control valve cabinet and is used
to manually depress the solenoid buttons on the directional control valves for
LHS operation.
HOUR METER The hour meter is an electric clock mounted on the main
junction box at the top of the main manifold support frame. The hour meter
records the total number of operating hours on the LHS fluid system for
maintenance purposes.
MAIN FRAME SOLENOID BUTTONS The solenoid button at each end
of the top directional control valve which opens or closes the valve when
manually depressed with the aid of the solenoid tool. The top directional
control valve on the main manifold controls the directional flow of fluid to the
cylinders to raise and lower the LHS main frame, and is intended to be
manually operated only when electric power is lost to the solenoids.
HOOK ARM SOLENOID BUTTONS The solenoid button at each end of
the center directional control valve which opens or closes the valve when
manually depressed with the aid of the solenoid tool. The center directional
control valve on the main manifold controls the directional flow of fluid to the
cylinders to raise and lower the LHS hook arm, and is intended to be
manually operated only when electric power is lost to the solenoids.
WINCH SOLENOID BUTTONS The solenoid buttons at each end of the
bottom directional control valve which activates the valve when manually
depressed with the aid of the solenoid tool. The bottom directional control
valve on the main manifold controls the directional flow of fluid to the winch
motor to pay winch cable in and out, and is intended to be manually
controlled only when electric power is lost to the solenoids.
FREE-FLOW VALVE The free-flow valve is located on the main manifold
adjacent to the main relief valve, and is electrically activated by a solenoid.
When activated, the free-flow valve closes to divert fluid pressure to the
directional control valves for operation of the LHS main frame, hook arm, and
winch. Should electric power to the solenoid be interrupted due to a
malfunction, the valve must be manually held in the closed position with the
free-flow valve tool.