Once the launch beams is fully deployed and prior to lowering the far bank support, check
that the launch beam is central to the bridge within 1 ft (0.304 m) of the center line. If the
launch beam is off center by more than 1 ft (0.304 m) and up to 2 ft (0.6m) pull the beam
over using a tag line, until at least half the offset is removed, and lower the far bank
support onto the ground. DO NOT pull the far bank support across the ground; ensure
that the beam is in the raised position before attempting to correct the beam position. If
error is greater than 2 ft (0.6m) and is not due to cross wind, recover the launch beam and
launcher and reposition. If the far bank support is not set properly, the launch beam could
collapse during bridge recovery
Positioning the Flatracks for Bridge Retrieval
Remove flatrack LVT to staging area.
Position the flatracks V1, T1, T2 and V2 in readiness for bridge module retrieval.
Position of Flatracks