TM 5-5420-280-23&P
0017 00
a. General Instructions. Repair of parts and components is limited to procedures outlined in
applicable maintenance tasks and the following general procedures detailed in steps b through g.
b. Castings.
(1) All cracked castings will be replaced.
(2) Only minor repairs to machined surfaces, flanges, and gasket mating surfaces are permitted.
Remove minor nicks, burrs, and/or scratches with:
(a) Fine mill file.
(b) Emery cloth dipped in Skysol 100.
(c) Lapping across a surface plate.
(3) Machining of machined surfaces to repair damaged, warped, or uneven surfaces is not permitted.
Replace castings.
(4) Repair damaged threaded pipe plug and/or screw holes with the correct size tap. Repair oversize
holes with threaded inserts.
d. Studs. Replace all bent and stretched studs. Repair minor thread damage with the correct size
thread die. Replace studs having stripped or damaged threads as outlined below:
(1) Remove studs using a stud remover. Back studs out slowly to avoid heat buildup and seizure
which can cause stud to break off.
If welding method is used, refer to TC 9-237.
(2) If a stud breaks off too short to use a stud remover or a stud extractor, use welding method.
(3) Broken studs can be removed by welding bar stock or a nut to stud and removing with wrench.
(4) Standard studs may have a coarse thread on one end and a fine thread on the other end. The
coarse thread end is installed in the casting. Studs having coarse threads on both
ends are used in some applications; the shorter threaded end goes into the casting. Refer to
(5) Replacement studs have a special coating and must have a small amount of antiseize compound,
refer to WP 0196 00, Item 2, that is applied on threads before stud is installed. Install
replacement stud slowly to prevent heat buildup and snapping off.
e. Bushings and Bushing-Type Bearings. When
bushings and
bushing-type bearings seize to a
shaft and spin in the bore, the associated part must also be replaced.
f. Seals.
(1) Using proper seal removal tool, remove seals; use caution not to damage casting, adapter bore, or
seal surface of shaft.
(2) Always install new seal in bore using the specified seal driving tool.
g. Rivets. Replace rivets in accordance with TM 9-450.
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