TM 55-1945-205-10-20039 00 30039 0013. Fake mooring bridle (11) out on RRDF deck.14. Connect mooring line shackle (9) to the WT forward winch cable. :,1*15. Recover mooring line (3) and anchor chain (14) on to WT.16. Using a boat hook, capture the retrieval pendant (15) on the anchor buoy (16).17. Recover anchor (17) onto WT.18. Remove shackle pin (18) and shackle (19) attaching anchor buoy line (20) to bottom of anchor (17).19. Set anchor buoy (16) and buoy line (20) on the deck.20. Install shackle (19) and pin (18) on the anchor (17).21. Remove shackle pin (21) and shackle (22) attaching anchor chain (14) to anchor (17).22. Install shackle (22) and pin (21) on tongue of anchor (17).1421221918161731520
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