TM 55-1945-205-10-2
0003 00 15
0003 00
The corner fenders are installed on protruding corners of the RRDF, though the location of the placement of
cylindrical fenders will vary with the configuration of the RRDF. One configuration, depicting all cylindrical fenders,
is shown below.
There are two types of fenders which are components of the RRDF. These fenders are cylindrical type and
corner type.
Cylindrical Type: There are four sizes of cylindrical shaped fenders (1), (2), (3) and (4) constructed of rubber, that
are components of the RRDF. The 3 ft diameter X 5 ft long, the 4 ft diameter X 12 ft long, the 5 ft diameter X
10 ft long and the 6 ft diameter X 12 ft long. The 3 ft X 5 ft, 4 ft X 12 ft and 5 ft X 10 ft fenders are stowed on
specially constructed pallets in their own 40 ft open top container. The 5 ft X 10 ft and 6 ft X 12 ft fenders are used for
stand-off from the sealift vessel. The sealift fenders each have 100 ft X 5 in. circumference, 12 strand braided nylon
line for securing them to either the ship or the RRDF. The 6 ft X 12 ft fender uses aircraft tires as the abrasion element
outside of the cylindrical skin. This fender is stowed on the sealift vessel. The 3 ft X 5 ft and 4 ft X 12 ft fenders are
used for stand-off from lighters. The lighter fenders are supplied with 25 ft X ½ in. circumference chain for securing
the fenders to the RRDF platform. The chain is stored in the tool boxes located in the fender ISO containers.
LC U -2000
TYPICAL 2, 3, 4