TM 55-1945-205-10-20114 00 400114 0018 After 0.2 Lifting Slings Check lifting slings for cuts, loosestitching and fraying. If slings arecut, frayed or have loose stitching,contact unit maintenance.Slings are cut,have loose stitchingor frayed.2 WeeklyDuringOperationalPeriods.5 Light Tower Engine Start engine. If light tower enginecannot be started, contact unitmaintenance.Engine willnot start.4 WeeklyDuringOperationalPeriods.1 Personnel Shelter 1. Empty the incinerator toiletashpan. (TM 55-1925-257-14&P)2. Clean outer stainlesssteel surfaces.3 Monthly .5 Generator Container 1. Test the fire suppression controlpanel LED indicators and sounder.(WP 0030 00) If LED or sounders isinoperative, contact unitmaintenance.Fire suppressionsystem isinoperative.Any yellow or redLED is illuminated.2. Remove fire extinguisher andagitate the dry chemical by turningthe extinguisher upside down andshaking. Sign and date the fireextinguisher inspection tagFire extinguisher isinoperative.4 Monthly .5 Personnel Shelter Remove fire extinguisher andagitate the dry chemical by turningthe extinguisher upside down andshaking. Sign and date the fireextinguisher inspection tagFire extinguisher isinoperative.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. (Continued)ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURSITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business