TM 55-1945-205-10-20115 00 10115 00UNIT, DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCEROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF DISCHARGE FACILITYREFERENCESSCOPEThis work package lists all field manuals, forms, technical manuals and miscellaneous publications referenced inthis manual.ARMY REGULATIONSAR 700-138 Army Logistics Readiness and SustainabilityCODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS29 CFR Labor, Parts 1911 to 192546 CFR Shipping, Parts 90 to 139DA PAMPHLETSDA PAM 738-750 The Army Maintenance Management Systems (TAMMS)FIELD MANUALFM 3-5 NBC, DecontaminationFM 55-502 Army Watercraft SafetyFORMSDA Form 2028 Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank FormsDA Form 2028-2 Recommended Changes to Equipment Technical PublicationsDA Form 2404 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance WorksheetSF 361 Transportation Discrepancy ReportSF 368 Product Quality Deficiency ReportMISCELLANEOUSASME Y14.38-1999 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Abbreviations and AcronymsCTA 8-100 Common Table of Allowances, Army Medical DepartmentExpendable/Durable ItemsCTA 50-970 Common Table of Allowances, Expendable/Durable Items (ExceptMedical, Class V Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items)
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