TM 55-1945-205-10-20114 00 520114 001 Every 100Hours ofOperation.1 Light Tower 1. Check all hinges, nuts, boltsclamps, rivets and latchesfor looseness. If loose hinges, nuts,bolts clamps, rivets or latches arefound, contact unit maintenance.2. Check all enclosure panels forwarping, bending and tearing andfor positive sealing. If warping,bending, tearing or defective sealsare found, contact unit maintenance.2 Every 100Hours ofOperation.1 Light Tower Engine Check engine intake and exhaustsystems for loose, damaged ordeteriorated components. If loose,damaged or deterioratedcomponents are found, contact unitmaintenance.12 Every 100Hours ofOperation2.0 Rigid Hull InflatableBoat Motor1. Check battery connectionsfor security. If battery connectionsare loose, contact unit maintenance.Battery isinoperative.2. Check anti-corrosion anodes forremaining material. If anti-corrosionanodes are deteriorated, contact unitmaintenance.3. Check ignition wires andelectrical connections for damage. Ifignition wires or electricalconnections are damaged, contactunit maintenance.4. Wash and wax external surfaceof motor.5. Check screws, nuts and clamps onmotor for looseness. If screws, nutsor clamps are loose, contact unitmaintenance.6. Check mounting hardware,screws and clamps for looseness. Ifmounting hardware, screws orclamps are loose, contact unitmaintenance.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. (Continued)ITEMNO.INTERVALMAN-HOURSITEM TO BECHECKED ORSERVICEDPROCEDUREEQUIPMENTNOT READY/AVAILABLE IF:
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