TM 55-1945-205-10-40002 00 10002 00OPERATOR MAINTENANCEFLOATING CAUSEWAYMAJOR COMPONENTSDESCRIPTION AND DATAEQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES AND FEATURESThe floating causeway (FC) is a floating platform used during logistics over the shore (LOTS) operations. The FC consists of three major segments, trident pierhead extension, trident pierhead and causeway. Each major segment consists of non-powered floating modules that are assembled into module strings and intermediate sections.The trident pierhead extension is the five string wide set of modules that run from the trident pierhead out to sea. This trident pierhead extension will be used by the lighter vessels to moor to the floating causeway. The overall dimensions of the trident pierhead extension is 40 ft wide by 160 ft long.The trident pierhead consists of ten intermediate sections. The overall dimensions of the trident pierhead is 120 ft wide by 160 ft long. The causeway consists of one or more intermediate sections connected length wise, with one end connected to the trident pierhead and the other end connected to a combination beach/sea end section. The overall dimension is determined by adding the total length of intermediate sections to the length of the combination beach/sea end section. The causeway length depends on how far offshore, from the beach, the causeway must extend to give the required water depth. The overall width of the causeway is 24 ft wide.The trident pierhead extension, trident pierhead and the causeway are assembled to each other by flexor connectors.The FC shall operate in sea conditions ranging from Sea State 0 up to and including Sea State 2 (see Table 1), in surf conditions up to 5 ft with along-shore currents up to 2 knots, and in beach gradients up to 1:200. The FC system shall survive Sea State 4 conditions and be capable of being put back into service within 48 hours of the higher Sea State.Other major components of the FC are the personnel shelter and generator shelter, the trailer-mounted light towers, the lifeline subsystem, communications equipment and the off shore and onshore anchor mooring system.Table 1. SEA STATE (SS) Conditions.SSSIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHTS (FT)MODAL WAVE PERIODS (SECONDS)00.0 - 0.50.3 - 1.310.5 - 1.50.8 - 3.821.5 - 3.01.3 - 6.033.5 - 5.02.0 - 7.746.0 - 7.52.7 - 9.458.0 - 12.03.1 - 11.9
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