TM 55-1945-205-10-4
0002 00 4
0002 00
The light tower is a three-section telescoping mast which extends from 12 ft to 30 ft and has a rotation range of 360°
with a position lock. The mast is easily extended with dual hand-operated winches that incorporate an automatic
safety brake. The tower retracts and stows horizontally for travel.
The light system comes with a 30-gallon translucent polyethylene fuel tank, single point lifting bail, forklift slots,
heavy-duty outriggers, leveling indicator and removable drawbar. The control panel comes with one GFI protected
120 volts 20 amp duplex receptacle, one 240 volts 25 amp receptacle, individual lamp switches, and a non-resettable
hour meter to track records for periodic maintenance.
The overall length is (in./cm) 174/442, width is (in./cm) 79/201, height is (in./cm) 89/226 (travel position), standard
tower height is (ft/m) 30/9 and shipping weight is (lb/kg) 2010/912.
The lifeline subsystem is installed along the causeway sides and trident pierhead sides and shoreward end to protect
personnel from falls overboard. The stanchions for the lifelines are installed in the turn-tube fittings and ISO corner
fittings of the section modules. The lifelines, life rings, nylon rope and strobe lights are installed on the inboard side
of the lifeline stanchion. Chain is used to span the gap between the sections. Lifeline arrangement may vary
depending on FC configuration.
The communications equipment consists of four HX350S VHF/FM handheld transceivers. The transceivers have a
frequency range of 156.025 to 163.275 mhz. All channels currently allocated in the USA, Canadian and International
channels are available for use, plus ten weather channels.
The HX350S has an RF power output with the CNB350 battery of 5.0 watts (high) and 1.0 watts (low). The operating
voltage is 7.2 volts DC. The current drain in standby mode is 40 ma, in receive mode 200 ma, in the transmit mode
1.8 amps (high power) and 0.7 amps (low power). The battery life (5% Tx, 5% rcv, 90% standby) is approximately
10 hrs (high) and 15 hrs (low).
The dimensions of the unit are 5.51 in. X 2.17 in. X 1.50 in. The weight is 1.0 lb.
The transmitter has a conducted spurious emissions of 65 dB (high) and 55 dB (low). The Audio Response (AR) is
within +2/-8 of 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis characteristic from 300 hz to 3000 hz. The AF Harmonic Distortion of the
transmitter is 3%. The transmitter has a hum and noise rating of 37 dB and a frequency stability (-20°C to
+50°C) of + 0.0005%.
The receiver has a sensitivity rating of 20 dB quieting at 0.35 uv and 12 dB SINAD at 0.30 uv. The squelch sensitivity
(threshold) is 0.20 uv. Modulation acceptance bandwidth is + 4.5 khz. Receiver selectivity: spurious and image
rejection 60 dB, inter modulation regulation 60 dB and channel spacing 25 khz selectivity.
The deck matting is used as dunnage and is placed where the cargo ramps of the sealift vessel and the lighters will
land on the FC deck. The individual mats are a high density polyethylene material and are approximately 10 ft long
by 4 ft wide and 1½ in. thick. Each mat weighs 300 lbs.
The modular sections are provided with deck fittings to meet various operational needs. These fittings have a
15,000 lb load capacity and are inserted into the tube turns. There are ten tube turns per non-powered module and five
per end rake.