TM 55-1945-205-24-2
0179 00 3
0179 00
11. Allow light tower engine to run for 2-3 hours with radiator flush in cooling system.
12. Shut light tower engine down. (TM 55-1945-205-10-2)
13. Allow radiator (3) to cool.
14. Remove light tower battery negative lead terminal. (WP 0134 00)
15. Remove radiator pressure cap (1).
16. Position drain pan under drain cocks (2 and 4).
17. Open drain cock (2) located on the radiator (3).
18. Open drain cock (4) located on the engine (5).
19. Drain engine radiator coolant.
20. Position drain pan under overflow hose (6) and reserve tank (7).
21. Disconnect overflow hose (6) from radiator pressure cap housing (8) to drain the reserve tank (7).