TM 5-5420-202-20-3
FI N AL DRI V E V EN T I N G SY ST EM REPLACEM EN T (She e t 4 of 1 0 )
14. Using adjustable wrench to hold tee (P), use 11/16 inch wrench and disconnect tube assembly (N)
from tee (P).
15. Using 7/16 inch wrench, remove screw (Q) and lockwasher (R) securing clamp (S). Throw
lockwasher (R) away.
16. Remove tube assembly (N) and clamp (S) from vehicle.
17. Remove clamp (S) from tube assembly (N).
18. Using adjustable wrench to hold tee (P), use 11/16 inch wrench and disconnect tube assembly (T)
from tee (P).
19. Remove tee (P).
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