TM 5-5420-203-14
c. Assembly of the Bridge Separated into Eight Sections - CONT
(24) Ramp Sections Flexible Hydraulic Hose Connections and Brackets.
The two hoses mounted on the diaphragm of the near-shore end must cross. Hoses for the
far-shore do not cross.
(a) Install one 3 ft 4 in. flexible
hydraulic hose (1) to the fitting
located on the near-shore female
ramp section (2).
(b) Remove the quick-release plug
end (3) from pipe nipple (4).
(c) Insert the quick-release plug end
(3) of the flexible hydraulic hose
(1) through the opposite quick-
disconnect bracket (5) located on
the diaphragm (6). Thread quick-
release plug end (3) on pipe nipple
(4). Place protective dust cap (7) in
holder (8).
(d) Repeat steps (a) thru (c) for remaining hoses.
(25) Scissor Cylinder Flexible Hydraulic Connections.
(a) Connect one end of 4 ft 6 in.
flexible hydraulic hose (1) to
fitting (2) located on near-shore
male ramp section (3).
(b) Connect other end to cap end
(end connected to beam
cylinder) fitting (4) located on
scissor cylinder (5).
(c) Connect one end of second 4 ft
6 in. flexible hydraulic hose
(6) to fitting (7) located on
near-shore female ramp section
(d) Connect other end to the
scissor cylinder at the rod end
fitting (9). Ensure all