b. FixedAnchorage. If the ribbon bridge is to remain in place for long periods of time, it is desirable to anchor thebridge using a fixed-type anchorage system. The most common type is an overhead cable with bridle lines and approachguys. Refer to TM 5-210 for assembly and installation instructions for various types of fixed anchorage configuration.Refer to figure 2-23, for typical bridle line connection to bow lifting and anchoring pins. The components necessary to erectthe standard overhead cable system are supplied in the ribbon bridge supplemental set SC-5420-97-CL-E51.Figure 2-23. Typical Bridle Line Connection.c. Short Term Anchorage. The rapid assembly charactetistics of the ribbon bridge requires that bridge boats be usedto hold the bridge in place (fig. 2-24). The length of time the bridge is to remain will determine whether a fixed anchoragesystem will be installed later. The number of bridge boats required to anchor the bridge is shown in table 2-15. Boats mustbe checked for fuel consumption every two hours and refueled as necessary. At least two standby boats must be availablefor replacing disabled boats.CAUTIONStop bridge traffic while replacing boats.2-90TM 5-5420-209-12
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