ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
FIGURE 1-6. Launching Single Story Bridges Over 50ft (15.2m)
LAUNCHING NOSE HEAVY. Forms the main pa of the launching nose on single story bridges over 8 bays and all
other bridges. Launching nose heavies conned to each other by shoot bolts and launching nose pins, using a
guide system to align the panels to enable the launching nose pins to be instead.
LANDING ROLLER PEDESTAL. Holds the landing roller and receives the launching nose on the far bank. The
Mk 1 landing roller pedestal s used in 9 thru 12 bay single story and 1 thru 22 bay doubles to bridges. The Mk 2 is
used on all link reinforced bridges. The height of the landing roller pedestal is adjusted with a hydraulic jack, 15T
for Mk 1 and 20T for Mk 2.
LAUNCHING NOSE ROLLER. Permits movement of launching nose dung assembly/disassembly. Proves
support and anchorage pint for launching nose. Connects to bankseat beam with launching nose pin.
LAUNCHING NOSE CROSS GIRDER AND POSTS. Used to hold near bank end o launching nose in position set
for construction and launch.
FIGURE 1-7. Single Story Bridge in Place
DECK UNIT Placed between the main girders to complete the bridge roadway.
CURB. Used to warn drivers o their nearness to the edge of bridge. A curb is used on each top panel.
SHORT RAM Used at both ends of bridge allowing vehicles easy access. Short ramps are used on single story
bridges only and are hooked onto the bankseat beam.
BRIDGE MARKER GUIDE. Placed at the end of curbs to improve the drive awareness of the edge of the bridge.