ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
Figure 1-9. Double Story Bridge in Place
LONG RAMP Used at both ends of bridge allowing vehicles easy access. Long ramps are used on all double
story and link reinforced bridges and are hooked onto the bankseat beam.
FIGURE 1-10. Launching Bridges over 102ft (31.1m)
CAPSILL ROLLER BEAM ASSEMBLY. Used with the front and rear roller beam to allow the bridge to be boomed
(moved) during assembly or disassembly. The capsill roller beam has rocking rollers and is placed on adjustable
supports and baseplates which are connected by a frame cross girder. The beam can be raised or lowered using
jacks and is used on all bridges over 12 bays long.
FIGURE 1-11. Launching Bridges from 144ft (43.9m) to 162 (49m)
LAUNCHING NOSE LINK. Connects the second stow launching nose to the
first story launching nose and
the lunching nose roller.