ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
The MGB bridge length figures quoted in this manual are governed by the Quadripartite Standardization
Agreement (QSTAG). The bridge length is defined as the distance between the extreme ends of the bearing areas on
each chord. The bridge length figures quoted throughout this manual are NOMINAL lengths which make allowance for the
effect of deflection on the bridge and launching nose during launch, and the effect of live load during use. As the nominal
length is slightly less than the actual, it will be expected that, when the bridge is in place, it may overlap the A and F pegs
(para. 3-12f) by a few inches.
Single Story
For single story bridges the bridge length is measured between the ends of the bankseat beam jaws.
Double Story with and without LRS
For double story bridges, with and without reinforcement, the bridge length is measured between the ends of the
end taper panels.