ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
It Is necessary to unlock four shoot bolts so as to provide enough slack In the girder to permit
releasing the bottom panel upper jaws from the panel pin In the rearmost top panel. Ensure that
four shoot bolts are unlocked before trying to lift the rearmost top panel.
Remove the next sway brace in the bridge.
Using 12 personnel (as shown), lift rearmost top panel until bottom panel falls free of panel pin in top
The panel pins in the upper jaws may not settle back down after the top panel is lifted (as shown
in example). If this happens it will not be possible to unlock the next shoot bolt.
To unlock the next shoot bolt (e.g. bay 7), temporarily lock the shoot bolt in bottom panel 10 and
lift top panel 11 until the pins in 9 and 8 resettle. Unlock shoot bolt in bays 10 and 7.