ARMY TM 5-5420-212-10-1
MARINE CORPS TM 08676A-10/1-1
(23) Launching Nose Pin
The launching nose pin is used as follows:
To connect nose sections together.
To connect light rear nose section, nose roller, push bar and jack posts to bankseat beam.
To connect jack support to baseplates.
To connect links to each other and to post tensioning and anchor assemblies.
Used in post tensioning assembly to secure post in the transit or tensioned positions.
(24) Anchorage Pin
The anchorage pin is used as an anchor point on the bridge for anchorage cables. The anchorage pin is used
instead of a panel pin at the junction of the first and second, last and next to last bays in a single story bridge. In double
story and link reinforced bridges, the anchorage pin is placed in the anchorage holes in the end taper panel.
LUG. Used as a housing for a bracing pin which holds the anchorage cable.
RETAINING PIN. Retains the lug and is secured with a retainer clip.
LUG PIN HOLE. For a bracing pin which is used to hold the anchorage cable.