TM 5-5420-278-100010 000010 00-6RAMP BAY CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd)PUMPS – There are two identical pumps on the IRB-R; each is located on theinner ponton under an access cover on the roadway deck. Open the accesscover to access the pump. To operate either pump, remove a telescopinghandle (refer to Item 1, WP 0070 00) from one of the IRB-R stowagecompartments and install it on the pump lever. Select the operating modedesired by referring to the operating instructions on the data plate, alsolocated on the underside of the access cover, and move the control valve leverto the desired slot. Refer to WP 0003 00 for data plate. The four operating modes are as follows:DOWN: To lower the ramp bay.TRANSPORT/CROSSING: Ramp bay in transport position. Ramp bay in crossing position.UP: To lift the ramp bay.DOWN FAST: Quick lowering of the ramp bay.Begin pumping by moving the handle forward and backward. The ramp baycan be raised with one pump, but it is both easier and faster to use bothsimultaneously. There are also two quick-disconnect ports for operating thecylinders from a remote power source.I
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