TM 5-5420-278-100010 000010 00-2RAMP BAY CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (Contd)OUTER PONTON LOCKS — There is a front swivel hook and a rear swivelhook located on each inner ponton. Both are engaged to secure the outerponton in the unfolded position by placing the socket end of a T-wrench (referto Item 2, WP 0070 00) on the hex-head of each swivel hook shaft, and turningit until the position indicator and slot in hex-head point straight at the outerponton. The position indicator is not visible when the swivel hook iscompletely disengaged.UPPER COUPLING, LONGITUDINAL — There are two identical uppercouplings and receptacle blocks at the connecting end of the IRB-R. The uppercoupling consists of a spring loaded lever mounted in a receptacle block oneach inner ponton. A receptacle block is adjacent to each upper coupling. Theupper coupling is used for bay-to-bay connection; when two bays are inposition to be joined longitudinally, the two upper couplings on each bay aremanually closed by placing them in the receptacle blocks of the opposite bay.UPPER COUPLING, TRANSVERSE — There are two identical uppercouplings, each located on the inner pontons, that consist of a spring loadedlever mounted in a receptacle block. When the bay is unfolded, both uppercouplings are manually closed by placing them in the opposite receptacleblocks of the adjacent inner ponton. They are both opened prior to IRB-Rretrieval; this is essential prior to lifting the bay to prevent damage.FEDRAMP BAY (UNFOLDED)FOLDLOCKS, OPEN POSITIONFRONT LIFTINGLUG (REAR LIFTINGLUG NOT SHOWN)TRAVEL LATCHLEVER, OPENPOSITIONTRAVEL LATCHLOCATINGRECEPTACLE
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