TM 5-5420-278-24&P0081 000081 00-2LIMITED STORAGE (Contd)b. Perform necessary reprocessing for limited storage when rust or deterioration is found on anyunpainted area. Immediately repair damage caused to bay(s) by severe weather conditions. Repair damageto On-Equipment Material (OEM) as necessary. Thoroughly clean, dry, and repaint painted surfaces showing evidence of wear; refer to Painting Instructions (WP 0076 00).REMOVAL FROM LIMITED STORAGENOTEEnsure each bay is drained prior to removal from storage. Watermay accumulate from condensation inside bay pontons.Material removed from administrative storage will be:a. Restored to normal operating conditions.b. Repaired as required.c. Returned to normal PMCS schedule using last type service completed as a starting point.STORAGE OF NEW IRB BAYSNOTEEnsure each bay is drained prior to removal from storage. Watermay accumulate from condensation inside bay pontons.a. If new IRB bays (interior or ramp) are placed in storage at either contractor or Government facilities, before being put in service, the warranty period shall not start until each such IRB bay is withdrawn from that storage, or until nine months from the date shown on the Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report (DD Form 250); whichever occurs first.b. If new IRB bays are placed in contractor storage, the contractor shall maintain and exercise suchstored IRB bays in accordance with the contractor’s approved technical manual. Upon removal from storage, and before delivering the IRB bays to the Government, the contractor shall exercise and performall PMCS tasks per the contractor’s approved technical manual.c. If new IRB bays are placed in Government storage, the Government will exercise stored IRB bays inaccordance with the contractor’s approved technical manual. The Government shall notify the contractorbefore placing each such IRB bay in storage, and again at the time it is withdrawn. If there are any contractor-caused retrofits that must be applied to the IRB bays, the storage time does not start untilthose retrofits are completed.END OF WORK PACKAGE
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