0017 00-1/2 blankTM 5-5420-278-24&P0017 00UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSIMPROVED RIBBON BRIDGE (IRB)RAMP BAY M16NSN 5420-01-470-5825 P/N 12478918;INTERIOR BAY M17NSN 5420-01-470-5824 P/N 12478919.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)INTRODUCTIONGENERALUnit PMCS are performed at regular intervals to ensure the equipment is fully operational and ready atall times. Maintaining the IRB-R and IRB-I requires inspection on a regular basis so minor damage orfaults can be discovered and corrected. Performing PMCS is essential to the reliability and expectedlongevity of the equipment. Failing to correct a minor problem may result in major damage or a failurewhich could compromise the mission or cause injury to personnel.PURPOSE OF PMCS TABLESThe purpose of the PMCS tables is to provide a systematic method of inspecting and servicing theequipment. In this way, small defects can be detected early and corrected before they become a majorproblem causing the equipment to fail. The PMCS tables are arranged with the individual PMCSprocedures listed in sequence under assigned intervals. The most logical time (before or after mission) toperform each procedure determines the interval to which it is assigned. Make a habit of performing thechecks in the same order each time; anything wrong will be seen quickly. Refer to WP 0018 00 for PMCSinstructions in tables 1 and 2.END OF WORK PACKAGE
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